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篇序 作者姓名
論文題目/發表雜誌名稱 發表學會或會議名稱 地點
1 王宿鴻(1) Basic technique of stone removal in ERCP ERCP hands on Forum 台中
2 王品貽(1), 楊畯棋(2), 許銘仁(C)

Factors associated with treatment failure of direct-acting

antiviral drugs for chronic hepatitis C: real world data of a

medical center in Taiwan

APASL 2023 台北
3 張瑄元(1), 楊畯棋(C)

Comparing of the DAA treatment outcomes in patient with

hepatitis C viral infection between incarcerated patient and


中華民國112年消化系聯合學術演講年會 台北
4 黃博裕(1), 楊畯棋(C) The clinical efficacy of zinc supplementation for patients with liver cirrhosis complicated by minimal hepatic encephalopathy 台灣內科醫學會 112 年會員大會暨學術演講會 台北


Predictors of Mortality in Hospitalized Chronic Liver Disease Following COVID-19: A Retrospective Single-center Study 2023 Taiwan Digestive Disease Week 高雄
6 王品貽(1)、楊畯棋(2)、郭行道(3)、許銘仁(C) Factors associated with treatment failure of direct‐acting antiviral drugs for chronic hepatitis C: real-world data of a medical center in Taiwan 亞太肝臟研究學會年會(APASL) 台北
7 張瑄元(1), 楊畯棋(C) Result of the onsite cooperative treatment program for HCV micro-elimination at a detention center: comparison of the treatment outcomes and characteristics of patient with HCV infected between incarcerated patients and outpatients. 中華民國112年消化系聯合學術演講年會 台北
8 張瑄元(1)、楊畯棋(C) Improved liver function and fibrosis reduction in HCV-related cirrhosis patients following direct-acting antivirals agent 台灣消化醫學週(2023 TDDW) 高雄
9 楊峻嘉(1), 古關光浩(2) Health promotion in geriatric ward: Changes of skin carotenoid levels after vegetable juice International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics Japan
10 古關光浩(1) COVID19 Vaccination strategy for Japanese residents in cooperation with Tainan City:Taiwan can help new immigrants Japanese association for home care medicine Japan