Asthma Care

  • Always carry your asthma medications with you at all times in case of exacerbations.  Take the medications according to doctor’s instructions
  • Avoid contact with allergens such as cigarette, pollen, cold air, dust, and pets.
  • Wearing masks and scarves is suggested when there is much diurnal temperature variation. Avoid the crowded public places during flu season.
  • Adequate exercise with a  balanced and healthy diet will help minimize asthma attack frequency.
  • During acute asthma attacks, use bronchodilator or breathe oxygen masks as instructed by the physician. Sit up and take slow long breaths until symtpoms improve.  Do not eat or move excessively.
  • Please call or return to the hospital as soon as possible if there are following symptoms:
    1. Severe wheezing
    2. Breathing difficulties
    3. Lips or nails turning blue or gray
    4. Persistent symptoms despite bronchodilator use
    5. High fever
    6. Chills
    7. Cough with large amount purulent yellowish phlegm
