林宏榮 院長 Hung-Jung Lin M.D., M.S.
  • 奇美醫學中心院長
  • 奇美醫學中心首席醫療副院長
  • 奇美醫學中心醫療副院長
  • 財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會執行長
  • 臺灣急診醫學會榮譽理事長
  • 臺灣急診醫學會第八屆理事長
  • 奇美醫院醫務秘書
  • 奇美醫院急診醫學部主任
  • 國立成功大學高階管理碩士
  • 臺北醫學大學醫學士
  • 急診醫學
  • AHA BLS & ACLS Instructor



  1. Jian JW, Tsai KT, Ho CH, Chen YC, Li PI, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Chang CC, Huang CC: Predictors of Emergency Department Visits in Home Healthcare Patients: A Case-Control Study in Taiwan. Int. J. Gerontol. 2024 Oct;18(4):206-211
  2. Chang CH, Nguyen PA, Huang CC, Liu CF, Melisa S, Chen CJ, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Hsu MH, Shih CM, Liu JC, Yang HY, Hsu JC: Acute myocardial infarction risk prediction in emergency chest pain patients: An external validation study. Int J Med Inform. 2025 Jan:193:105683
  3. Huang CC, Chen TH, Ho CH, Chen YC, Chang WT, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Chang CP, Guo HR: Hypothyroidism following carbon monoxide poisoning: An epidemiological study supported by animal experiments. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2024 Sep;283:116772
  4. Ho YC, Wang CT, Weng TC, Ho CH, Tsai KT, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Chen HC, Huang CC: Impact of the Home-Based Medical Integrated Program on Health Outcomes and Medical Resource Utilization in Home Healthcare Patients in Taiwan. Clin Interv Aging. 2024 Aug;1437-1444
  5. Lee YC, Ho SYC, Tan TH, Ho CH, Tsai KT, Yang PC, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Wang CT, Huang CC: Implementation of a novel computer assisted telephone follow-up model for older patients after emergency department discharge in an Asian populationAging Clin Exp Res. 2024 Jul ;36(1):147
  6. Chang CC, Wang CT, Shih HM, Ho CH, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Chiu YW, Huang CC: Alcohol abuse may increase the risk of autoimmune connective tissue disease: a nationwide population-based cohort study. Front Psychiatry. 2024 Jun;14:1308245
  7. Chang CH, Chen CJ, Ma YS, Shen YT, Sung MI, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Chen ZC, Huang CC, Liu CF: Real-time AI Predicts Adverse Outcomes in Acute Pancreatitis in the Emergency Department: Comparison with Clinical Decision Rule. Acad Emerg Med. 2024 Feb;31(2):149-155
  8. Liu YC, Ho CH, Chen YC, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Wang CT, Huang CC: Association between chronic pain and acute coronary syndrome in the older population: a nationwide population-based cohort study. BMC Geriatr. 2023 Oct;23(1):708
  9. Tsai WC, Liu CF, Ma YS, Chen CJ, Lin HJ, Hsu CC, Chow C, Chien YW, Huang CC: Real-time artificial intelligence system for bacteremia prediction in adult febrile emergency department patients. Int J Med Inform. 2023 Oct;178:105176
  10. Hsu CC, Kao Y, Hsu CC, Chen CJ, Hsu SL, Liu TL, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Liu CF, Huang CC: Using artificial intelligence to predict adverse outcomes in emergency department patients with hyperglycemic crises in real time. BMC Endocr Disord. 2023 Oct;23(1):234
  11. Huang WT, Wang CT, Ho CH, Chen YC, Ho YC, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Mau LP, Huang CC: Carpal tunnel syndrome in dentists compared to other populations: A nationwide population-based study in Taiwan. PLoS One. 2023 Jun;18(6):e0287351
  12. Kao Y, Lee WJ, Tsai KT, Liu CF, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Huang CC, Guo HR: External validation of geriatric influenza death score: A multicenter study. PLoS One. 2023 Mar;18(3):e0283475
  13. Koseki M, Sheu MJ, Tsai KT, Ho CH, Liu HH, Lin HJ, Lin CL, Huang CC: Eradication therapy may decrease the risk of immune thrombocytopenia after Helicobacter pylori infection: a retrospective cohort study in Taiwan. BMC Gastroenterol. 2023 Feb;23(1):36
  14. Tsai CC, Liu CF, Lin HJ, Lin TC, Kuo KM, Lin JJ, Chen CJ, Lee MC: Implementation of a patient-centered mobile shared decision making platform and healthcare workers' evaluation: a case in a medical center. Inform Health Soc Care. 2023 Jan;48(1):68-79
  15. Tan TH, Yang TY, Chen YM, Chung SY, Liu HH, Yang PC, Kao  PH, Peng AC, Shu YM, Chu YS, Tsai KT, Hsu CC, Ho CH, Lin HJ, Huang CC: Computerized tool and interdisciplinary care for older patients with delirium in the emergency department: a novel model in Taiwan. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2022 Dec;34(12):3137-3144
  16. Huang CC, Chen TH, Ho CH, Chen YC, Chen RJ, Wang YJ, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Chang CP, Guo HR: Risks of Developing Diabetes and Hyperglycemic Crisis Following Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: A Study Incorporating Epidemiologic Analysis and Animal Experiment. Clin Epidemiol. 2022 Nov;14:1265-1279
  17. Chang TC, Kan WC, Cheng KC, Ho CH, Chen YC, Chu CC, Hsu CC, Kuo HT, Lin HJ, Huang CC: Comparison of the risk of gastrointestinal perforation between patients with and without rheumatoid arthritis: A nationwide cohort study in Asia. Front Med (Lausanne). 2022 Sep;9:974328
  18. Huang CC, Ho CH, Chen YC, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Su SB, Guo HR: Association between carbon monoxide poisoning and adrenal insufficiency: a nationwide cohort study. Sci Rep. 2022 Sep;12(1):16219
  19. Hsu SL, Tsai KT, Tan TH, Ho CH, Yang PC, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Hung SP, Huang CC: Interdisciplinary collaboration and computer-assisted home healthcare referral in the emergency department: a retrospective cohort study. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2022 Aug;34(8):1939-1946
  20. Wang WH, Tan TH, Ho CH, Chen YC, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Chiu YW, Huang CC: Association between osteoarthritis and urinary tract infection in older adults: A nationwide population-based cohort study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2022 Aug;101(33):e30007
  21. Tsai WC, Liu CF, Lin HJ, Hsu CC, Ma YS, Chen CJ, Huang CC, Chen CC: Design and Implementation of a Comprehensive AI Dashboard for Real-Time Prediction of Adverse Prognosis of ED Patients. Healthcare (Basel). 2022 Aug;10(8):1498
  22. Tsai KT, Lin HJ, Huang CC: Telemedicine Video Multidisciplinary Conference and Ward Round for Geriatric Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Taiwan. Int J Gerontol. 2022 Apr;16(2):162-163
  23. Lin HI, Chen HM, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Weng SF, Kao Y, Huang CC: Associations between dietary patterns and stages of chronic kidney disease. BMC Nephrol. 2022 Mar;23(1):115
  24. Kao Y, Wu YJ, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Tian YF, Weng SF, Huang CC: Short-and long-term recurrence of early-stage invasive ductal carcinoma in middle-aged and old women with different treatments. Sci Rep. 2022 Mar;12(1):4422
  25. Chen YM, Kao Y, Hsu CC, Chen CJ, Ma YS, Shen YT, Liu TL, Hsu SL, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Huang CC, Liu CF: Real-time interactive artificial intelligence of things-based prediction for adverse outcomes in adult patients with pneumonia in the emergency department. Acad Emerg Med. 2021 Nov;28(11):1277-1285
  26. Huang CC, Tsai KT, Hsu CC, Lin HJ : 急診在超高齡社會應扮演的角色.  臨床醫學月刊. 2021 Sep;88(3): 583-590
  27. Kao PH, Jang FL, Ho CH, Chen YC, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Huang CC: Chronic Pain Increases the Risk of Dementia: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study. Pain Physician. 2021 Sep;24(6):E849-E856
  28. Liu YL, Chu LL, Wu PC, Hsu MC, Tsai KT, Kao PH, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Huang CC, Su HC: 提升高齡急診待床病人用藥安全,降低嚴重多重用藥與潛在不適當用藥. Resuscitation & Intensive Care Med 2021;6(2):63-73
  29. Huang CC, Chen TH, Ho CH, Chen YC, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Chang CP, Guo HR: Increased Risk of Congestive Heart Failure Following Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. Circ Heart Fail. 2021 Apr;14(4):e007267
  30. Tan TH, Hsu CC, Chen CJ, Hsu SL, Liu TL, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Liu CF, Huang CC: Predicting outcomes in older ED patients with influenza in real time using a big data-driven and machine learning approach to the hospital information system. BMC Geriatr. 2021 Apr;21(1):280
  31. Tan TH, HK, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Chung JY, Huang CC: Validation of shock index for predicting mortality in older patients with dengue fever. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2021 Mar;33(3):635-640
  32. Tang HJ, Lin HJ, Huang CC, Hsu CC: A Walk-through COVID-19 Screening Station Can Preserve Personal Protective Equipment and Quickly Process Patients. Ann Emerg Med. 2021 Jan;77(1):132-134
  33. Huang WT, Lin HJ, Feng IJ, HSU CC, Wang JJ, Huang CC, Su SB: Comparison of the Risk for Peripheral Vertigo between Physicians and the General Population. Iran J Public Health. 2021 Jan;50(1):180-187
  34. Huang CC, Ho CH, Chen YC, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Tian YF, Wang JJ, Guo HR: Impact of carbon monoxide poisoning on the risk of breast cancer. Sci Rep. 2020 Nov;10(1):20450
  35. Huang CC, Ho CH, Chen YC, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Guo HR: Autoimmune Connective Tissue Disease Following Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study. Clin Epidemiol. 2020 Nov;12:1287-1298
  36. Lin HJ, Hsu CC, Huang CC: Personal Protective Equipment-Conserving Chest Radiography Setting During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Ann Emerg Med. 2020 Nov;76(5):689
  37. Chou CH, Feng IJ, Chen YC, Chen JH, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Hsu CC, Huang CC: Risk of Dementia in Diabetic Patients with Hyperglycemic Crisis: A Nationwide Taiwanese Population-Based Cohort Study. Neuroepidemiology. 2020 Oct;54(5):419-426
  38. Hsu CC, Huang CC, Chien LH, Lin MT, Chang CP, Lin HJ, Chio CC: Ischemia/reperfusion injured intestinal epithelial cells cause cortical neuron death by releasing exosomal microRNAs associated with apoptosis, necroptosis, and pyroptosis. Sci Rep. 2020 Sep;10(1):14409
  39. Zhang PI, Hsu CC, Kao Y, Chen CJ, Kuo YW, Hsu SL, Liu TL, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Liu CF, Huang CC: Real-time AI prediction for major adverse cardiac events in emergency department patients with chest pain. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2020 Sep;28(1):93
  40. Huang CC, Hsu CC, Chiu CC, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Weng SF: Association between exercise and health-related quality of life and medical resource use in elderly people with diabetes: a cross-sectional population-based study. BMC Geriatr. 2020;20:331
  41. Lin HJ, Ko YL 2, Liu CF, Chen CJ, Lin JJ: Developing and Evaluating A One-Stop Patient-Centered Interprofessional Collaboration Platform in Taiwan. Healthcare. 2020 Jul;8(3):241
  42. Ke YT, Peng AC, Shu YM, Chung MH, Tsai KT, Chen PJ, Weng TC, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Huang CC: Prevalence of Geriatric Syndromes and the Need for Hospice Care in Older Patients of the Emergency Department: A Study in an Asian Medical Center. Emerg Med Int. 2020 Jul;Published online
  43. Hsu CC, Kuo TW, Liu WP, Chang CP, Lin HJ: Calycosin Preserves BDNF/TrkB Signaling and Reduces Post-Stroke Neurological Injury after Cerebral Ischemia by Reducing Accumulation of Hypertrophic and TNF-α-Containing Microglia in Rats. J Neuroimmune Pharmacol. 2020 Jun;15(2):326-339
  44. Huang CC, Ho CH, Chen YC, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Su SB, Guo HR: Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on Acute Myocardial Infarction Following Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. Cardiovascular Toxicology. 2020 Jun;20(3):291-300
  45. Chung KM, Ho CH, Chen YC, Hsu CC, Chiu CC, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Huang CC: Chronic Pain Increases the Risk for Major Adverse Cardiac and Cerebrovascular Events: A Nationwide Population-Based Study in Asia. Pain Med. 2020 May;pnaa107
  46. Sung KC, Chung JY, Feng IJ, Yang SH, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Huang CC: Plantar fasciitis in physicians and nurses: a nationwide population-based study. Ind Health. 2020 Mar;58(2):153–160
  47. Liu YL, Chu LL, Su HC, Tsai KT, Kao PH, Chen JF, Hsieh HC, Lin HJ, Hsu CC, Huang CC: Impact of Computer-Based and Pharmacist-Assisted Medication Review Initiated in the Emergency Department. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2019 Nov;67(11):2298-2304
  48. Huang CC, Ho CH, Chen YC, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Su SB, Wang JJ, Guo HR: Increased risk for hypothyroidism associated with carbon monoxide poisoning: a nationwide population-based cohort study. Scientific Reports. 2019 Nov;9:16512
  49. Huang CC, Lee JC, Lin KC, Lin HJ, Su SB, Hsu CC, Guo HR: Exposure Duration and History of Hypertension Predicted Neurological Sequelae in Patients with Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. Epidemiology. 2019 Jul;30:S76-S81
  50. Yen CK, Tan TH, Feng IJ, Ho CH, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Huang CC: Comparison of Risk for End-Stage Renal Disease Between Physicians and the General Population: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study. INT J ENV RES PUB HE. 2019 Jun;16(12). Pii:E2211
  51. Huang WT, Weng SF, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Su SB, Wang JJ, Huang CC: Comparison of the risk of developing lumbar herniated intervertebral disc between dentists and other occupations: A nationwide population-based study in Taiwan. J Occup Health. 2019 May;61(3):227-234
  52. Huang CC, Kuo PJ, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Su SB, Wang JJ, Weng SF: Risk for cervical herniated intervertebral disc in dentists: a nationwide population based study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2019 May;20:189
  53. Huang CC, Ho CH, Chen YC, Lin HJ, Hsu CC, Wang JJ, Su SB, Guo HR: Risk of Myocardial Infarction After Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study. Cardiovasc Toxicol. 2019 Apr;19(2):147-155
  54. Chung JY, Hsu CC, Chen JH, Chen WL, Lin HJ, Guo HR, Huang CC: Shock index predicted mortality in geriatric patients with influenza in the emergency department. Am J Emerg Med. 2019 Mar;37(3):391-394
  55. Wu HH, Niu KC, Lin CH, Lin HJ, Chang CP, Wang CT: HSP-70-Mediated Hyperbaric Oxygen Reduces Brain and Pulmonary Edema and Cognitive Deficits in Rats in a Simulated High-Altitude Exposure. Biomed Res Int. 2018 Nov;doi:10.1155/2018/4608150
  56. Huang WT, Hsu CC, Su SB, Lin HJ, Huang CC: Validation of Decision Groups in Patients with Dengue Fever: A Study during 2015 Outbreak in Taiwan. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2018 Nov;99(5):1294-1298
  57. Huang CC, Ho CH, Chen YC, Hsu CC, Wang YF, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Guo HR: Impact of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on Subsequent Neurological Sequelae Following Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. J Clin Med. 2018 Oct;7(10) pii:E349
  58. Ke YT, Feng IJ, Hsu CC, Wang JJ, Su SB, Huang CC, Lin HJ: Nurses have a four-fold risk for overdose of sedatives, hypnotics, and antipsychotics than other healthcare providers in Taiwan. PLoS One. 2018 Aug;13(8):e0202004
  59. Chung JY, Ho CH, Chen YC, Chen JH, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Hsu CC, Huang CC: Association between acute methanol poisoning and subsequent mortality: a nationwide study in Taiwan. BMC Public Health. 2018 Aug;18(1):985
  60. Chung JY, Hsu CC, Chen JH, Chen WL, Lin HJ, Guo HR, Huang CC: Geriatric influenza death (GID) score: a new tool for predicting mortality in older people with influenza in the emergency department. Sci Rep. 2018 Jun;8(1):9312
  61. Kao Y, Loh EW, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Huang CC, Chou YY, Lien CC, Tam KW: Fluid Resuscitation in Patients With Severe Burns: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Acad Emerg Med. 2018 Mar;25(3):320-329
  62. Kao Y, Feng IJ, Hsu CC, Wang JJ, Lin HJ, Huang CC: Association of hyperglycemic crisis with an increased risk of end-stage renal disease: A nationwide population-based cohort study. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2018 Feb;138:106-112
  63. Chan FK, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Su SB, Huang CC, Weng SF: Physicians as well as nonphysician health care professionals in Taiwan have higher risk for lumbar herniated intervertebral disc than general population. Medicine (Baltimore). 2018 Jan;97(1):e9561
  64. Huang HS, Ho CH, Weng SF, Hsu CC, Wang JJ, Su SB, Lin HJ, Huang CC: Long-term mortality of acetaminophen poisoning: a nationwide population-based cohort study with 10-year follow-up in Taiwan. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2018 Jan;26(1):5
  65. Ke YT, Peng AC, Shu YM, Chung MH, Tsai KT, Chen PJ, Weng TC, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Huang CC: Emergency geriatric assessment: A novel comprehensive screen tool for geriatric patients in the emergency department. Am J Emerg Med. 2018 Jan;36(1):143-146
  66. Huang CC, Hsu CC, Guo HR, Su SB, Lin HJ: Dengue fever mortality score: A novel decision rule to predict death from dengue fever. J Infect. 2017 Dec;75(6):532-540
  67. Lin W, Hsuan YC, Lin MT, Kuo TW, Lin CH, Su YC, Niu KC, Chang CP, Lin HJ: Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells Preserve Adult Newborn Neurons and Reduce Neurological Injury after Cerebral Ischemia by Reducing the Number of Hypertrophic Microglia/Macrophages. Cell Transplant. 2017 Nov;26(11):1798-1810
  68. Huang CC, Ho CH, Chen YC, Lin HJ, Hsu CC, Wang JJ, Su SB, Guo HR: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is associated with lower short-and long-term mortality in patients with carbon monoxide poisoning. Chest. 2017 Nov;152(5):943-953
  69. Chio CC, Hsu CC, Tian YF, Wang CH, Lin MT, Chang CP, Lin HJ: Combined Hemorrhagic Shock and Unilateral Common Carotid Occlusion Induces Neurological Injury in Adult Male Rats. Int J Med Sci. 2017 Oct;14(13):1327-1334
  70. Tam HP, Lin HJ, Weng SF, Hsu CC, Wang JJ, Su SB, Huang CC, Guo HR: The Risk of Stroke in Physicians: A Population-based Cohort Study in Taiwan. Epidemiology. 2017 Oct;Suppl 1:S48-S53
  71. Ke YT, Chen HC, Lin CH, Kuo WF, Peng AC, Hsu CC, Huang CC, Lin HJ: Posttraumatic Psychiatric Disorders and Resilience in Healthcare Providers following a Disastrous Earthquake: An Interventional Study in Taiwan. BioMed Res Int. 2017 Oct.
  72. Huang HS, Hsu CC, Ye JC, Su SB, Huang CC, Lin HJ: Predicting the mortality in geriatric patients with dengue fever. Medicine (Baltimore). 2017 Sep;96(37):e7878
  73. Huang HS, Lee KW, Ho CH, Hsu CC, Su SB, Wang JJ, Lin HJ, Huang CC: Increased risk for hypothyroidism after anticholinesterase pesticide poisoning: a nationwide population-based study. Endocrine. 2017 Sep;57(3):436-444
  74. Wu CJ, Huang CC, Weng SF, Chen PJ, Hsu CC, Wang JJ, Guo HR, Lin HJ: Septic arthritis significantly increased the long-term mortality in geriatric patients. BMC Geriatr. 2017 Aug;17(1):178
  75. Huang CC, Ho CH, Chen YC, Lin HJ, Hsu CC, Wang JJ, Su SB, Guo HR: Demographic and clinical characteristics of carbon monoxide poisoning: nationwide data between 1999 and 2012 in Taiwan. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2017 Jul;25(1):70
  76. Huang CC, Ho CH, Chen YC, Lin HJ, Hsu CC, Wang JJ, Su SB, Guo HR: Increased risk for diabetes mellitus in patients with carbon monoxide poisoning. Oncotarget. 2017 Jun;8(38):63680-63690
  77. Weng TC, Yang YC, Chen PJ, Kuo WF, Wang WL, Ke YT, Hsu CC, Lin KC, Huang CC, Lin HJ: Implementing a novel model for hospice and palliative care in the emergency department: An experience from a tertiary medical center in Taiwan. Medicine (Baltimore). 2017 May;96(19):e6943
  78. Chio CC, Lin HJ, Tian YF, Chen YC, Lin MT, Lin CH, Chang CP, Hsu CC: Exercise attenuates neurological deficits by stimulating a critical HSP70/NF-κB/IL-6/synapsin I axis in traumatic brain injury rats. J Neuroinflammation. 2017 Apr;14(1):90
  79. Chen TY, Hsu CC, Feng IJ, Wang JJ, Su SB, Guo HR, Huang CC, Lin HJ: Higher risk for thyroid diseases in physicians than in the general population: a Taiwan nationwide population-based secondary analysis study. QJM. 2017 Mar;110(3):163-168
  80. Huang HK, Weng SF, Su SB, Wang JJ, Guo HR, Hsu CC, Huang CC, Lin HJ: Standing Posture at Work Does Not Increase the Risk of Varicose Vein in Health Care Providers in Taiwan. Med Princ Pract. 2017 May;26(3):266–272
  81. Liu C, Huang CC, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Guo HR, Su SB, Wang JJ, Weng SF: Higher risk for cervical herniated intervertebral disc in physicians: A retrospective nationwide population-based cohort study with claims analysis. Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 Oct;95(41):e5055
  82. Chen MH, Weng SF, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Su SB, Wang JJ, Guo HR, Huang CC: Urolithiasis risk: a comparison between healthcare providers and the general population. BMC Health Serv Res. 2016 Jul;16:273
  83. Huang CC, Chen WL, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Su SB, Guo HR, Huang CC, Chen PC: Elderly and Nonelderly Use of a Dedicated Ambulance Corps’ Emergency Medical Services in Taiwan. J Biomed Biotechnol. 2016 Jul;ID 1506436
  84. Huang CC, Tsai KT, Weng SF, Lin HJ, Huang HS, Wang JJ, Guo HR, Hsu CC: Chronic osteomyelitis increases long-term mortality risk in the elderly: a nationwide population-based cohort study. BMC Geriatr. 2016 Mar;16:72
  85. Kao Y, Hsu CC, Weng SF, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Su SB, Huang CC, Guo HR: Subsequent mortality after hyperglycemic crisis episode in the non-elderly: a national population-based cohort study. Endocrine. 2016 Jan;51(1):72-82
  86. Kuo WY, Huang CC, Weng SF, Lin HJ, Su SB, Wang JJ, Guo HR, Hsu CC: Higher migraine risk in healthcare professionals than in general population: a nationwide population-based cohort study in Taiwan. J Headache Pain. 2015 Dec;16:102
  87. Wu CJ, Lin HJ, Weng SF, Hsu CC, Wang JJ, Su SB, Huang CC, Guo HR: Acute myocardial infarction risk in patients with coronary artery disease doubled after upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding: a nationwide nested case-control study. PLoS One. 2015 Nov;10(11):e0142000
  88. Lee YS, Hsu CC, Weng SF, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Su SB, Huang CC, Guo HR: Cancer incidence in physicians: a Taiwan national population-based cohort study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2015 Nov;94(47):e2079
  89. Chen HH, Hsu CC, Weng SF, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Guo HR, Su SB, Huang CC, Chen JH: Hemodialysis with end-stage renal disease did not raise the risk of intracranial hemorrhage after a head injury. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2015 Oct;23(1):82
  90. Lin HY, Weng SF, Lin HJ, Hsu CC, Wang JJ, Su SB, Guo HR, Huang CC: Peptic Ulcer Disease in Healthcare Workers: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study. PLoS One. 2015 Aug;10(8):e0135456
  91. Huang HS, Hsu CC, Weng SF, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Su SB, Huang CC, Guo HR: Acute Anticholinesterase Pesticide Poisoning Caused a Long-Term Mortality Increase: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study. Medicine(Baltimore). 2015 Jul;94(30):e1222
  92. Chung MH, Chu FY, Yang TM, Lin HJ, Chen JH, Guo HR, Vong SC, Su SB, Huang CC, Hsu CC: Hypotension, bedridden, leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia and elevated serum creatinine predict mortality in geriatric patients with fever. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2015 Jul;15(7):834-9
  93. Huang CC, Weng SF, Tsai KT, Chen PJ, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Su SB, Chou W, Guo HR, Hsu CC: Long-term Mortality Risk After Hyperglycemic Crisis Episodes in Geriatric Patients With Diabetes: A National Population-Based Cohort Study. Diabetes Care. 2015 May;38(5):746-51
  94. Wang CT, Lin HJ, Cheng BC, Lin MT, Chang CP: Attenuating systemic inflammatory markers in simulated high-altitude exposure by heat shock protein 70-mediated hypobaric hypoxia preconditioning in rats. J Formos Med Assoc. 2015 Apr;114(4):328-38
  95. Lin HJ, Hsu MH, Huang CC, Liu CF, Tan CK, Chou SL, Huang SY, Chen CJ: Developing a Mobile Electronic D2B Checklist for Treatment of ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients Who Need a Primary Coronary Intervention. Telemed J e-Health. 2015 Apr;21(4):274-80
  96. Zou JF, Guo Q, Shao H, Li B, Du Y, Liu M, Liu F, Dai L, Lin HJ, Su SB, Guo HR, Huang CC: Lack of pupil reflex and loss of consciousness predict 30-day neurological sequelae in patients with carbon monoxide poisoning. PLoS One. 2015 Mar;10(3):e0119126
  97. Tsai CWC, Lin HJ, Chen KT: Pneumoperitoneum after cardiopulmonary resuscitation: the roles of bystander-provided BLS and laryngeal mask airway. Hong Kong J Emerg Med. 2015 Mar;22(2):126-29
  98. Huang CC, Chung MH, Lin HJ, Lin SJ, Guo HR, Wang HY, Su SB, Hsu CC: The impact of rotating night shifts on the breast milk collection volume among employed breastfeeding mothers. J Occup Health. 2015 Feb;57(1):81-6
  99. Chen YT, Huang CC, Weng SF, Hsu CC, Wang JJ, Lin HJ, Su SB, Guo HR, Juan CW: Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Comparison of the Risk between Physicians and the General Population. BioMed Res Int. 2015 Feb;904328
  100. Chou W, Chung MH, Wang HY, Chen JH, Chen WL, Guo HR, Lin HJ, Su SB, Huang CC, Hsu CC: Clinical characteristics of hyperglycemic crises in patients without a history of diabetes. J Diabetes Investig. 2014 Nov;5(6):657-62
  101. Chung MH, Huang CC, Vong SC, Yang TM, Chen KT, Lin HJ, Chen JH, Su SB, Guo HR, Hsu CC: Geriatric Fever Score: A New Decision Rule for Geriatric Care. PLoS One. 2014 Oct;9(10):e110927
  102. Yang TM, Kao Y, Wang CT, Chung MH, Lin HJ, Lin SJ, Guo HR, Su SB, Huang CC, Hsu CC: ACLS training: comparison of physicians and nurses with teamwork-based high-fidelity simulation. Am J Emerg Med. 2014 Sep;32(9):1132-4
  103. Huang CC, Chung MH, Weng SF, Chien CC, Lin SJ, Lin HJ, Guo HR, Su SB, Hsu CC, Juan CW: Long-Term Prognosis of Patients with Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: A Nationwide Cohort Study. PLoS One. 2014 Aug;9(8):e105503
  104. Kao Y, Zou JF, Tsai KT, Chen PJ, Lin HJ, Hsu CC, Guo HR, Su SB, Huang CC: Carbon monoxide poisoning in geriatric patients. Taiwan Geriatr Gerontol. 2014 Aug;9(3):84-95
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  107. Liao YY, Lin HJ, Chen KT: Cardiovocal Syndrome Arising from Gas-Forming Mycotic Aneurysm of the Thoracic Aorta. J Emerg Med. 2013 Nov;45(5):167-68
  108. Chang CH, Lin HJ, Liao YY, Chu FY, Chen KT: Elevated aminotransferases are predictors of hepatic injury in blunt abdominal trauma patients. Hong Kong J Emerg Med. 2013 Nov;20(6):337-42
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  111. Huang CC, Chien TW, Su SB, Guo HR, Chen WL, Chen JH, Chang SH, Lin HJ, Wang YF: Infection, Absent Tachycardia, Cancer History, and Severe Coma Are Independent Mortality Predictors in Geriatric patients with Hyperglycemic crises. Diabetes Care. 2013 Sep;36(9):e151-2
  112. Huang CC, Lin HJ, Chen SC, Kuo SC, Chen WL, Chen JH, Wang HY, Chou Willy: Cancer history, bandemia, and serum creatinine are independent mortality predictors in patients with infection-precipitated hyperglycemic crises. BMC Endocr Disord. 2013 Jul;13:23
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  114. Huang CC, Kuo SC, Chien TW, Lin HJ, Guo HR, Chen WL, Chen JH, Chang SH, Su SB: Predicting the hyperglycemic crisis death(HPD)score: a new decision rule for emergency and critical care. Am J Emerg Med. 2013 May;31(5):830-4
  115. Chen KT, Huang HS, Lin HJ: Spontaneous Urinary Bladder Rupture Due to a Hypnotics Overdose. J Emerg Med. 2013 May;3:138
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  118. Chen TJ, Lin HJ, Chen KT: Severe hyperemesis gravidarum masking the presentations of hyperthyroidism. Hong Kong J Emerg Med. 2013 Mar;20(2):121-3
  119. Chung MH, Kuo EY, Wu W, Chen KT, Lin HJ: Cerebral "eThrombosis": cerebral venous sinus thrombosis associated with prolonged sitting in front of a computer. Hong Kong J Emerg Med. 2013 Mar;20(2):111-4
  120. Lin CC, Lin CC, Lin HJ, Chen KT: Capnography: an accurate method to assess the position of the feeding tube in a porcine model. Hong Kong J Emerg Med. 2013 Mar;20(2):76-81
  121. Chen MH, Lin HJ, Foo NP, Chen KT: Fish Bone Penetration of the Duodenum: A Rare Cause of Liver Abscess. Int J Gerontol. 2013 Mar;7(1):54-6
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  124. Yang TM, Wang CT, Lin HJ, Kuo YW, Chou SL, Huang SY, Lin MH: 團隊急救復甦訓練模式-以高擬真模擬情境考驗提升團隊合作效能. Journal of Healthcare Quality. 2012 Nov;6(6):70-6
  125. Chang CC, Lin HJ, Foo NP, Chen KT: The hidden devil: unexpected retained knife in the chest wall. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2012 Sep;18(5):453-4
  126. Lin HJ, Foo NP, Guo HR, Lin CC, Lin CC, Chen KT: Assessment of a New Method to Verify Feeding Tube Placement by Syringe Aspiration in a Porcine Model. International Journal of Gerontology. 2012 Sep;6(3):220-3
  127. Kuo EY, Chung MH, Lin HJ, Chen KT: Gastroenteritis followed by headache: A rare presentation of cerebral venous thrombosis. Journal of Acute Medicine. 2012 Sep;2(3):92-4
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  143. Lee WJ, Foo NP, Lin HJ, Huang YC, Chen KT: The efficacy of four-slice helical CT in evaluating pancreatic trauma: a single institution experience. J Trauma Manag Outcomes. 2011 Jan;5(1):1
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  18. 黃建程、蔡岡廷、許建清、林宏榮、陳佳蓉、劉姿蘭、許淑蓮、劉忠峰:使用大數據驅動與機器學習於醫療資訊系統以即時預測急診高齡流感病人之預後. 台灣老年學暨老年醫學會第十三屆第三次會員大會暨學術研討會 2020.08.30
  19. 黃建程、許建清、林宏榮、郭浩然:一氧化碳中毒對乳癌風險的影響:一個以全國人口為基礎的世代研究. 台灣急診醫學會2019冬季學術討論會 2019.12.07
  20. 高 元、許建清、林宏榮、黄建程:老年人慢性疼痛與譫妄之間的關聯:以全國人口為基礎的世代研究. 台灣急診醫學會2019冬季學術討論會 2019.12.07
  21. 黃建程、許建清、林宏榮、陳佳蓉、劉姿蘭、許淑蓮、郭雅薇、劉忠峰:於醫療資訊系統使用大數據驅動與機器學習以即時預測急診高齡流感病人之預後. 台灣急診醫學會2019冬季學術討論會 2019.12.07
  22. 黃建程、許建清、高 元、張培毅、林宏榮、劉忠峰、陳佳蓉、郭雅薇、許淑蓮、劉姿蘭、王志中:AI outcome prediction in ED chest pain patients. 2019國際藥物粧品暨保健科技研討會 2019.10.23-24
  23. 黃建程、許建清、高 元、林宏榮、劉忠峰、陳佳蓉、郭雅薇、許淑蓮、劉姿蘭、王志中:AI outcome prediction in older ED patients with influenza. 2019國際藥物粧品暨保健科技研討會 2019.10.23-24
  24. 高 元、許建清、林宏榮、黃建程:Association between chronic pain and delirium in the older adults: a nationwide population-based cohort study. 第十二屆海峽兩岸心血管科學研討會 2019.09.19-22
  25. 黃建程、許建清、林宏榮:Chronic pain increases the risk for major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events: a nationwide population-based study in Asia. 第十二屆海峽兩岸心血管科學研討會 2019.09.19-22
  26. 高 元、曾冠叡、許建清、林宏榮、黃建程:高血糖危症與帕金森氏症之關聯性:一個以全國人口為基礎的世代研究. 2019台灣急診醫學會第13屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會 2019.06.28-29
  27. 黃竑勝、廖晟宇、許建清、林宏榮、黃建程:風濕性關節炎病人罹患糖尿病的風險:一個亞洲全國性世代研究. 2019台灣急診醫學會第13屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會 2019.06.28-29
  28. 黃建程、鍾焜明、許建清、林宏榮:慢性疼痛會增加主要不良心腦血管事件的風險:一個在亞洲進行的全國性人口研究. 2019台灣急診醫學會第13屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會 2019.06.28-29
  29. 陳殿和、張庭嘉、許建清、林宏榮、黃建程:風濕性關節炎與一般族群罹患腸胃道穿孔風險之比較:一個全國性研究. 2019台灣急診醫學會第13屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會 2019.06.28-29
  30. 陳怡婕、周志和、許建清、林宏榮、黃建程:糖尿病病人高血糖危症後罹患失智症的風險:一個全國性世代研究. 2019台灣急診醫學會第13屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會 2019.06.28-29
  31. 黃建程、劉盈伶、朱麗玲、蘇慧真、許建清、林宏榮:在急診早期啟動以電腦為基礎和藥師輔助之藥物整合可以減少高齡病人嚴重多重用藥和潛在不適當用藥:台灣一個試驗研究. 2019台灣急診醫學會第13屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會 2019.06.28-29
  32. 黃建程、許建清、林宏榮、郭浩然:一氧化碳中毒與腎上腺低下的關聯性. 台灣急診醫學會2018冬季學術討論會 2018.12.08
  33. 高 元、許建清、林宏榮、黃建程:高血糖危症會增加糖尿病人罹患末期腎病的機會. 台灣急診醫學會2018冬季學術討論會 2018.12.08
  34. 陳殿和、鍾睿元、許建清、林宏榮、黃建程:驗證休克指數在高齡罹患登革熱病人的效用. 台灣急診醫學會2018冬季學術討論會 2018.12.08
  35. 黃建程、蔡孟修、許建清、林宏榮:罹患慢性疼痛的高齡病人之長期死亡率. 台灣急診醫學會2018冬季學術討論會 2018.12.08
  36. 薛聿涵、鍾睿元、許建清、林宏榮、黃建程:以qSOFA預測老年登革熱病人之死亡率. 台灣急診醫學會2018冬季學術討論會 2018.12.08
  37. 黃建程、黃毓凌、許建清、林宏榮:高齡病人之慢性疼痛與止痛藥使用:一個以全國人口為基礎之研究. 2018台灣急診醫學會第13屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會 2018.06.22-23
  38. 陳殿和、陳宣恩、許建清、林宏榮、黃建程:居家照護之高齡病人之慢性疼痛與死亡率:一個以全國人口為基礎之研究. 2018台灣急診醫學會第13屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會 2018.06.22-23
  39. 高 元、許建清、林宏榮、郭浩然、黃建程:高壓氧治療對於一氧化碳中毒後神經學後遺症之影響:一個全國性世代研究. 2018台灣急診醫學會第13屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會 2018.06.22-23
  40. 黃建程、許建清、林宏榮、郭浩然:高壓氧治療可減少一氧化碳中毒後急性心肌受損的風險. 2018台灣急診醫學會第13屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會 2018.06.22-23
  41. 黃威達、許建清、林宏榮、翁世峰、黃建程:比較牙醫師與其他職業罹患腰椎椎間盤突出之風險:台灣一個以全國人口為基礎之研究. 2018台灣急診醫學會第13屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會 2018.06.22-23
  42. 黃建程、柯雅婷、蔡岡廷、翁子傑、許建清、林宏榮:Prevalence of geriatric syndromes and need for hospice in the geriatric patients of the emergency department: a pilot study in an asian tertiary medical center. 2018台灣老年學暨老年醫學會第十三屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會 2018.06.10
  43. 高 元、黃建程、許建清、林宏榮、郭浩然:一氧化碳中毒會增加甲狀腺低下的風險:一個全國性世代研究. 台灣急診醫學會2017冬季學術討論會 2017.12.09
  44. 黃建程、許建清、林宏榮、郭浩然:臺灣1999年至2012年全國一氧化碳中毒的人口統計學資料及臨床特色. 台灣急診醫學會2017冬季學術討論會 2017.12.09
  45. 黃竑勝、黃建程、許建清、林宏榮:發展新式諾謨圖以預測高寧登革熱病人死亡率. 台灣急診醫學會2017冬季學術討論會 2017.12.09
  46. 陳殿和、柯雅婷、黃建程、許建清、林宏榮:高齡病人老年病症候群盛行率及安寧需求:一個醫學中心急診部之研究. 台灣急診醫學會2017冬季學術討論會 2017.12.09
  47. 黃建程、許建清、林宏榮、郭浩然:一氧化碳中毒病人罹患糖尿病的風險會增加. 台灣急診醫學會2017冬季學術討論會 2017.12.09
  48. 林宏榮、林茂村、張菁萍:A resuscitation from an hemorrhagic shock regards as a reperfusion insult which may induce neurological injury. 第11屆海峽兩岸心血管科學研討會 2017.10.14-17
  49. 黃建程、林宏榮、郭浩然:Risk of myocardial injury after carbon monoxide poisoning. 第11屆海峽兩岸心血管科學研討會 2017.10.14-17
  50. 黃威達、黃建程、王思進、許建清、林宏榮:驗證登革熱病人的決策群組:2015年台灣登革熱爆發時的研究. 2017台灣急診醫學會第12屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會 2017.06.23-24
  51. 洪子芸、黃建程、柯雅婷、許建清、林宏榮:醫療人員參與地震救災之創傷後精神疾病與回復力. 2017台灣急診醫學會第12屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會 2017.06.23-24
  52. 高 元、連皆竣、許建清、林宏榮、黃建程:嚴重燒燙傷病人的輸液急救:一個對於隨機對照試驗的整合分析研究. 2017台灣急診醫學會第12屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會 2017.06.23-24
  53. 黃建程、許建清、林宏榮 : 急診高齡評估量表:一套新的全面性評估急診高齡病人的方法. 2017台灣急診醫學會第12屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會 2017.06.23-24
  54. 黃竑勝、黃建程、許建清、林宏榮、蘇世斌:抗膽鹼酯酶農藥中毒會增加甲狀腺低下的風險:一個全國性的世代研究. 2017台灣急診醫學會第12屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會 2017.06.23-24
  55. 黃竑勝、黃建程、許建清、林宏榮、蘇世斌:乙醯氨基酚中毒之長期死亡風險. 2017台灣急診醫學會第12屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會 2017.06.23-24
  56. 詹欣韻、黃建程、許建清、林宏榮、郭浩然:一氧化碳中毒後心肌受損的風險. 2017台灣急診醫學會第12屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會 2017.06.23-24
  57. 劉建廷、黃建程、許建清、林宏榮:登革熱諾模圖:一種新圖形化預測死亡機率的方式. 2017台灣急診醫學會第12屆第二次會員大會暨學術研討會 2017.06.23-24
  58. Kuo WY, Hsu CC, Lin HJ: Two cases of tetrodotoxin poisoning from puffer fish consumption in Taiwan. European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists (EAPCCT) 2017.05.16-19
  59. 吳晨瑋、郭婉吟、許建清、林宏榮:因食用河豚造成河豚毒素中毒之二病例報告. 台灣急診醫學會2016冬季學術討論會 2016.12.10
  60. 黃竑勝、黃建程、許建清、林宏榮:高齡登革熱病患死亡的獨立預測因子. 台灣急診醫學會2016冬季學術討會 2016.12.10
  61. 黃建程、許建清、林宏榮:安寧緩和前進急診:奇美醫學中心的經驗. 台灣急診醫學會2016冬季學術討論會 2016.12.10
  62. 黃建程、許建清、林宏榮:暴露超過五個小時與高血壓病史是一氧化碳中毒產生神經學後遺症的獨立預測因子. 台灣急診醫學會2016冬季學術討論會 2016.12.10
  63. 黃威達、黃建程、王思進、許建清、林宏榮: 比較醫師與一般民眾罹患周邊性暈眩症的風險. 台灣急診醫學會2016冬季學術討論會 2016.12.10
  64. 黃建程、許建清、林宏榮:高壓氧治療可減少一氧化碳中毒病人之短期及長期死亡率. 台灣急診醫學會2016冬季學術討論會 2016.12.10
  65. 高 元、黃建程、許建清、林宏榮:一氧化碳中毒流行病學特徵:台灣自1999至2012年的全國資料分析. 台灣急診醫學會2016冬季學術討論會 2016.12.10
  66. 黃建程、許建清、林宏榮:預測登革熱死亡評分表:一個新的決策方式. 台灣急診醫學會2016冬季學術討論會 2016.12.10
  67. 郭婉吟、許建清、林宏榮:Acute Pesticide Poisoning with Acetamiprid: A Case Report. 15th Asia Pacific Medical Association of Medical Toxicology (APAMT 2016) 2016.11.17-20
  68. 黃建程、許建清、林宏榮、蘇世斌、郭浩然:Comparison of risk for end-stage renal disease between physicians and general population. ISEE-ISES AC2016 2016.06.26-29
  69. 黃建程、許建清、林宏榮:Dose-response relationship between duration of exposure and neurological sequelae in patients with carbon monoxide poisoning. ISEE-ISES AC2016 2016.06.26-29
  70. 郭婉吟、黃建程、許建清、林宏榮、蘇世斌、郭浩然:Characteristics of occupational burns in the emergency department. ISEE-ISES AC2016 2016.06.26-29
  71. 黃竑勝、許建清、林宏榮、黃建程:Long-term mortality of acetaminophen poisoning: a nationwide population-based cohort study. ISEE-ISES AC2016 2016.06.26-29
  72. 吳嘉榮、黃建程、許建清、林宏榮、郭浩然:敗血性關節炎會增加高齡患者之長期死亡率:全國人口為基礎的世代研究. 2016台灣急診醫學會第12屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會 2016.06.24-25
  73. 黃建程、許建清、林宏榮、郭浩然:慢性骨髓炎會增加高齡患者的長期死亡率:全國人口為基礎的世代研究. 2016台灣急診醫學會第12屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會 2016.06.24-25
  74. 許建清、黃建程、林宏榮、郭浩然:台灣醫師頸椎椎間盤突出的全國性研究. 2016台灣急診醫學會第12屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會 2016.06.24-25
  75. 黃建程、許建清、林宏榮、郭浩然:醫師罹患靜脈曲張的風險:以台灣全國人口為基礎的世代研究. 2016台灣急診醫學會第12屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會 2016.06.24-25
  76. 黃建程、許建清、林宏榮、郭浩然:台灣醫師比一般民眾有較高罹患甲狀腺疾病的風險:以全國人口為基礎的世代研究. 2016台灣急診醫學會第12屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會 2016.06.24-25
  77. 嚴勤凱、黃建程、王思進、許建清、林宏榮、郭浩然:比較醫師與一般民眾罹患末期腎臟病的風險:以台灣全國人口為基礎的世代研究. 2016台灣急診醫學會第12屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會 2016.06.24-25
  78. 黃建程、許建清、林宏榮、郭浩然:護理人員比其他醫事人員高出四倍鎮定安眠劑與抗精神病藥物過量的風險:一個回溯性以全國人口為樣本的世代研究. 2016台灣急診醫學會第12屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會 2016.06.24-25
  79. 蔡于捷、黃建程、蔡長志、王律婷、王思進、許建清、林宏榮:血清素症候群、抗精神藥物惡性症候群與帝拔癲過量之混合表現:一個極罕見案例報告. 2016台灣急診醫學會第12屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會 2016.06.24-25
  80. 黃建程、李尚育、許建清、林高章、林宏榮、郭浩然:台灣急診醫師比其他專科醫師高出二倍得到糖尿病的風險:一個以全國人口為樣本的世代研究. 2016台灣急診醫學會第12屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會 2016.06.24-25
  81. 宋國漳、黃建程、楊舒涵、許建清、林宏榮、郭浩然:台灣醫師與護理師罹患足底筋膜炎的全國性研究. 2016台灣急診醫學會第12屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會 2016.06.24-25
  82. 郭婉吟、許建清、林宏榮:Occupational Burns in the Emergency Department. 2016台灣急診醫學會第12屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會 2016.06.24-25
  83. 詹馮凱、黃建程、許建清、林宏榮、郭浩然:醫師比一般民眾有較高的腰椎椎間盤突出風險:以台灣全國人口為基礎的世代研究. 2016台灣急診醫學會第12屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會 2016.06.24-25
  84. Yang TM, Hsu CC, Huang CC, Lin HJ, Lee WJ: Rapid RUSH Exam: One Practical Protocol for Shock Evaluation Used in the Emergency Department. 2015第八屆亞洲急診醫學會議 2015.11.07-10
  85. Huang CC, Cheng MT, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Su SB, Guo HR: Investigation of electromagnetic hypersensitivity in Taiwan: a population-based cross-sectional study. 2015第八屆亞洲急診醫學會議 2015.11.07-10
  86. Huang HS, Hsu CC, Weng SF, Lin HJ, Wang JJ, Su SB, Huang CC, Guo HR: Long-term mortality of acetaminophen poisoning: a nationwide population-based cohort study. 2015第八屆亞洲急診醫學會議 2015.11.07-10
  87. Hsu CC, Huang CC, Lin HJ, Su SB, Guo HR: Dose-response relationship between duration of exposure and neurological sequelae in patients with carbon monoxide poisoning. 2015第八屆亞洲急診醫學會議 2015.11.07-10
  88. Lin HY, Huang CC, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Su SB, Guo HR: Peptic ulcer disease in healthcare workers: a nationwide population-based cohort study. 2015第八屆亞洲急診醫學會議 2015.11.07-10
  89. Tam HP, Huang CC, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Su SB, Guo HR: Stroke risk of physicians in Taiwan: a nationwide population-based cohort study. 2015第八屆亞洲急診醫學會議 2015.11.07-10
  90. Chen MH, Huang CC, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Su SB, Guo HR: Comparison of urolithiasis risk between health care providers and general population. 2015第八屆亞洲急診醫學會議 2015.11.07-10
  91. Huang CC, Lin HJ, Hsu CC, Liu CF: Developing a Mobile Electronic D2B Checklist for Treatment of ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients Who Need a Primary Coronary Intervention. 2015第八屆亞洲急診醫學會議 2015.11.07-10
  92. Huang CC, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Su SB, Guo HR: Comparison of emergency medical services use between elders and non-elders: a study of Annan branch of Tainan city government fire bureau. 2015第八屆亞洲急診醫學會議 2015.11.07-10
  93. Hsu CC, Huang CC, Lee GW, Lin HJ, Su SB, Guo HR: Comparison of Three Infarct-related Coronary Arteries: a Study in Taiwan. 2015第八屆亞洲急診醫學會議 2015.11.07-10
  94. Huang CC, Zou JF, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Su SB, Guo HR: Lack of pupil reflex and loss of consciousness predict 30-day neurological sequelae in patients with carbon monoxide poisoning. 2015第八屆亞洲急診醫學會議 2015.11.07-10
  95. Huang CC, Hsu CC, Lin HJ, Su SB, Guo HR: Geriatric patients who present with diabetes mellitus and fever in the emergency department. 2015第八屆亞洲急診醫學會議 2015.11.07-10