2024/01/10 秀傳紀念醫院 李佩淵名譽院長 受邀演講:主題 醫學轉譯 逐夢/築夢之旅
2024/01/11 |
2023/12/24 台灣骨科創傷醫學會舉辦之 4th Pelvic & Acetabulum Seminar/吳宗穆 醫師受邀演講 主題:Complication after vertebroplasty for geriatric spine, pelvis fracture
2023/12/26 |
2023/10/21 林昇輝醫師受邀參與 2023年聯合夏季研討會 Meet the expert. Challenge the experts: AC joint Hook plate @ recon, CC fixation + AC augmentation & Small-Medium rotator cuff tear, who? when? how?
2023/10/27 |
2023/10/14 AO Trauma Seminar-Periprosthetic Fractures:Update and Current Management
2023/10/26 |
2023/08/27 2023 Advanced Knee Arthroscopic course/林昇輝醫師 受邀演講:主題 Extra-articular ligament section: MPFL reconstruction
2023/08/29 |
2023/08/23 嘉義基督教醫院 骨科部手外科 黃惠鑛主任 受邀演講:主題 Devoting Myself to Hand Surgery: From Classic, Microscopy, to Arthroscopy
2023/08/24 |
2023/08/19 2023 東亞骨創傷高峰論壇/李易儒醫師 受邀演講:主題 Do Open Reduction Internal Fixation. Left Me Tell You Why!
2023/08/22 |
2023/07/22 16th Annual Meeting of Taiwan Orthopedic Trauma Association/蘇昱仲 醫師受邀演講 主題: My unforgettable case of managing open upper limb crush injury, why?
2023/08/03 |
2023/06/14 高雄榮總 骨科部 骨病科 楊善為主任 受邀演講:主題 My experience of arthroplasty with United prosthesis
2023/08/03 |
2023/06/01 Professor Shen-Ying (Richard) Ma, Director, Division of Sports Medicine, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Missouri Orthopaedic Institute, University of Missouri School of Medicine.
2023/08/03 |